
Introduction to Polystyrene gypsum beams

Polystyrene gypsum beams

A variety of colors, easy and fast washing, easy installation, easy handling make Polystyrene gypsum beams superior to wall and ceiling. This type of plastering has numerous advantages over traditional ones. Polystyrene gypsum beams are one of the newest architectural arts that are easy to install and can be easily moved to another location. It is resistant to heat, cold, and moisture and the washability makes the design attractive. Today, most recreation and tourism centers use these schemes.

Advantages of polystyrene gypsum beams over others

This type of plastering has many advantages. With polystyrene gypsum beams, rebars, profiles, rabbits will no longer be needed in wall and ceiling structures. Quick installation will make the installer and customer comfortable. It is available in a variety of designs and colors.

In traditional plastering, the roof or wall is cut to install the plastering, but in this method, the structure is not damaged. Plasters are available in normal, composite and refractory sizes.

Polystyrene gypsum beams are the best thermal and sound insulation and can be easily installed by hand on the wall or ceiling.

Advantages of polystyrene gypsum beams

Advantages of polystyrene gypsum beams

Advantages of Polystyrene gypsum beams

  • Resistance to heat, cold, and moisture
  • UV resistant
  • Quick and easy installation
  • Lightweight and portable
  • Washable
  • Removable even after installation
  • No need to paint after installation
  • Diverse designs
  • Custom designs
  • Various colors
  • Low water absorption
  • low price
  • No toxic gases emitted during a fire
  • Repairable
  • Lighting capability
  • Ability to run with various construction projects
  • Can be used for public, private, service, leisure, and tourism centers
Diverse designs

Diverse designs

Diverse designs

Designs of this type of plastering can be customized. Polystyrene is available in three types: general purpose, HIPS, and EXTRUDED. These types of plasters are pre-made and are made of polystyrene and are designed as a nested texture. This type of plastering can be created with different tools.

Changing the designs is the charm of this design and for this reason, manufacturers need to design different models to suit the different tastes of customers.

Polystyrene gypsum beams from design to execution

The designs are designed on a computer, so the dimensions are determined quite accurately. Polystyrene is a flexible material and because of this feature, it prepared plasters in different sizes and installed them on the ceiling or wall.

You can wash the plaster designs every week. Regular washing will make the design look clean and shiny. Removable even after installation allows it to be used elsewhere.

There is a lot that can be done in this area; Creating technical offices for Polystyrene gypsum beams designs that print designs with 3D printers can be one of the job-creating projects that can lead to young people in countries.

Polystyrene gypsum beams design

Polystyrene gypsum beams design

Ability to run in different climates of Iran

Today, due to the rapid construction of buildings, this type of plastering has become common. They can be easily implemented in different climates of Iran. Excessive heat, cold, and humidity do not damage the beauty of the design. External factors do not affect their exact implementation.

Suitable for hotels and restaurants

The variety of plastering makes tourism and recreation centers use these decorations. You can even create different plasters in each hotel room.

To make Polystyrene gypsum beams, it is necessary to mix water and gypsum in certain proportions. For more stability on the wall or ceiling, it is necessary to mix a large amount of polystyrene with water. Too much water will cause instability in the plastering design.

Plasterboards can be installed on the interior and exterior of the building. Polystyrene gypsum molds are made with CAD / CAM, which is very delicate. This design sticks to the wall; Therefore, gradually the color of the wall or structure will not flake and will always have the necessary stability.

Recyclable polystyrene gypsum beams

As you know, waste polystyrene can be recovered and if these plasters are destroyed for some reason, they can still be recycled. This will make it possible to always design and implement new designs.

After leaving the current location and moving to a new home, the owner can move the polystyrene plasters to the new location with the same design as before. Then in another plan, it can be retrieved and a new design can be used in the new location.


Polystyrene gypsum beams are one of the newest architectural arts that are easy to install and can be easily moved to another location. It is resistant to heat, cold, and moisture and the washability makes the design attractive. Today, most recreation and tourism centers use these schemes.

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