
Know the types of polystyrene sheets

Polystyrene sheets

What do you know about different types of polystyrene sheets? As you know, polystyrene sheets are made of monomers. Regarding the origin of polystyrene sheets, we must say that this product was discovered in 1839 by a person named “Edward Simon” and after the world war, it has been presented in a modern way.

The structure of these sheets is such that it is made of 95% air and 5% plastic, which has a high volume of air in it, which makes these sheets very light.

Application of polystyrene sheet

Application of polystyrene sheet

What is the structure of a polystyrene sheet?

Polystyrene sheet is commonly known as “crystal” in Iran and today is considered as a suitable solution for interior applications of buildings. These sheets have a very low density, excellent chemical resistance, and high hardness.

Polystyrene sheets are usually extremely transparent and can be used to cover frames and ceiling lamps and interior glass. Another application of these sheets is that they are used in humid spaces such as shower trays and shower cabins because they have low water absorption.

One of the outstanding features of polystyrene sheets is their very high recyclability. These types of sheets are produced in a wide range and colors for different purposes.

Impact polystyrene sheet:

This type of polystyrene sheet has unique impact resistance. In addition to high strength, these sheets have excellent heat resistance against high heat.

These sheets have a lot of capabilities such as color, printability. These sheets are covered on both sides. The presence of these coatings makes these sheets thermoforming.

Advantages of polystyrene sheet

These sheets, like any other material, have advantages that we will mention below:

  • These sheets act as an excellent insulator against water and moisture.
  • Extremely resistant to pressure and impact
  • High earthquake resistance
  • Fire resistant
  • Low weight
  • Ability to run very fast, which reduces costs.
  • Long life and high durability
  • These sheets are very resistant to high temperatures and severe shocks.
  • Ability to convert to different shapes and sizes
Advantages of polystyrene sheets

Advantages of polystyrene sheets

Disadvantages of polystyrene sheets

In addition to their advantages, these sheets also have disadvantages, which include:

  • Polystyrene sheets have a low resistance to organic solvents.
  • They are flammable if the sheets are painted with oil paint.
  • If you use chlorofluorocarbons, it can damage the ozone layer.

Comparison of EPS and XPS polystyrene sheets in construction

Expanded polystyrene sheets, known as EPS for short, and XPS polystyrene sheets are highly desirable as two industrial materials. These materials are used to produce a variety of roofing foam and roofing ionolite.

The composition of these sheets is very environmentally friendly, which is used not only for the production of ionolite but also for sensitive military and industrial affairs. These materials are very economical and their use reduces Costs.

Today, changes in the structure of XPS polystyrene sheets make them different from EPS sheets. XPS polystyrene sheets are commonly used as insulation for construction work. These products have a cavity-free texture made of a material called GPPS.

For this reason, these sheets have a high resistance to water absorption. EPS polystyrene sheets, on the other hand, have voids in their structure that allow water and moisture to penetrate easily.

In terms of temperature and heat resistance, EPS sheets have lower strength compared to XPS. The thermal coefficient of XPS sheets is also higher than that of expansion sheets. This feature means that the higher the thermal insulation coefficient, the more it can prevent energy loss. As a result, the energy consumption of buildings will be greatly saved and costs will be reduced.

Extruded sheets are used in cold storage due to their ability to withstand high pressure and weight. Other features of the XPS polystyrene sheet include high resistance to moisture and water absorption, which makes it suitable for use in areas with high humidity.

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